2020.09-今, suncitygroup太阳集团(武汉),特任副教授
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,42102327,基于临界状态理论的铁尾矿材料静态液化机理研究,2022-01至2024-12,30万元,在研,主持
2. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,杰出人才培育基金,G1323521173,基于临界状态理论的铁尾矿材料静态液化特性研究,2021-01至2021-12,10万元,在研,主持
3. 香港环境及自然保育基金,环保研究、技术示范和会议项目,ECF 2020-170,Feasibility study of using dredged marine deposits stabilised with coal fly ash as fill materials for geotechnical projects in Hong Kong,2021-07至2023-07,49万港币,在研,参加
4.香港环境及自然保育基金,环保研究、技术示范和会议项目,ECF 2016-55,Recycling tyre waste as a useful geo-material to enhance sustainability,2017-05至2019-10,110万港币,已结题,参加
5. 香港研究资助局,优配研究金,9041880,Transitional behaviour in Tailings,2014-01至2018-06,50万港币,已结题,参加
6. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51279200,人工气候箱环境下膨胀土裂隙演化定量分析与预测模型,2012-01至2015-12,80万元,已结题,参加
1. Wang, F., Li, W.*, Hu, X., Cao, Z., and Gao, Y. (2023). Numerical simulation of biaxial undrained shear test based on fluid–solid coupling DEM method. Computers and Geotechnics, 164, 105810.
2. Yao, T., and Li, W.* (2023). Effect of initial fabric from sample preparation on the mechanical behaviour of a carbonate sand from the South China Sea. Engineering Geology, 107311.
3. Li, W., Liu, A. S., Kwok, C. Y., Sit, C. Y., and Shiu, H. K. (2023). Mechanical behaviour of Hong Kong marine deposits stabilized with high content of coal fly ash. Construction and Building Materials, 392, 131837.
4. Yao, T., Xing, X., and Li, W.* (2023). Evolution of particle morphology of quartz sand during one-dimensional compression. Powder Technology, 429, 118921.
5. Yao, T., and Li, W.* (2023). Quantifying the particle shape and surface roughness of sands. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 82(4), 135.
6. Fu, R., and Li, W.* (2021). Mechanical Behaviour of Completely Decomposed Granite Soil with Tire Rubber Granules and Fibres. Polymers, 13(23), 4261.
7. Li, W., Kwok, C. Y., and Senetakis, K. (2020). Effects of inclusion of granulated rubber tyres on the mechanical behaviour of a compressive sand. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 57(5), 763-769.
8. Li, W., Kwok, C. Y., Sandeep, C. S., and Senetakis, K. (2019). Sand type effect on the behaviour of sand-granulated rubber mixtures: Integrated study from micro- to macro-scales. Powder Technology, 342, 907-916.
9. Li, W., and Coop, M. R. (2019). Mechanical behaviour of Panzhihua iron tailings. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 56(3), 420-435.
10. Li, W., Coop, M. R., Senetakis, K., and Schnaid, F. (2018). The mechanics of a silt-sized gold tailing. Engineering Geology, 241, 97-108.
11. He, H., Li, W., and Senetakis, K. (2019). Small-strain dynamic behavior of two types of carbonate sands. Soils and Foundations, 59(3), 571-585.
12. Cheng Z., Wang J. F., and Li W. (2020). The micro-mechanical behaviour of sand-rubber mixtures under shear: An experimental study based on X-ray micro-tomography. Soils and Foundations, 60(5), 1251-1268.
13. Tang, C., Cao, Z. J., Hong, Y., and Li, W. (2023). State space model of undrained triaxial test data for Bayesian identification of constitutive model parameters. Géotechnique, 1-15.
14. Li, W., and Senetakis, K. (2017). Dynamic shear modulus of three reconstituted soils from Panzhihua iron tailing dam. Journal of GeoEngineering, 12(3), 129-135.
15. 黎伟, 刘观仕, 汪为巍, 姚婷, 盛建豪. 湿干循环下压实膨胀土裂隙扩展规律研究. 岩土工程学报, 2014, 36(7), 1302-1308.
16. 黎伟, 刘观仕, 姚婷. 膨胀土裂隙图像处理及特征提取方法的改进. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(12), 3619-3626.
《Landslides》、《Waste Management》、《Water Resources Research》、《Geotextiles and Geomembranes》、《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》、《Geofluids》、《Soils and Foundations》、《岩土工程学报》