一, 教育背景
二, 工作背景
三, 主持/参与的科研项目
1, 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:膨胀型组装层修饰的金属掺杂TiO2纳米管的可控制备及其对环氧树脂的阻燃抑烟改性研究,在研,主持;
2, 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金杰出人才培育基金项目:层层自组装阻燃涂层在典型聚合物基体的设计及其性能研究,在研,主持;
3, 国家自然科学基金面上项目:本质阻燃不饱和聚酯复合材料的制备、性能及阻燃机理研究,在研,参与;
4, 国家自然科学基金面上项目:阻燃聚合物电解质功能化设计及其聚酰胺66纤维/织物的层层自组装涂层的构建与机理研究在研,参与;
5, 973计划项目子课题:建筑外墙保温材料的火灾特性与安全设计,已结题,参与.
四, 代表性学术论文
1,Haifeng Pan,Wei Wang,Ying Pan,et al. Formation of Layer-by-Layer assembled titanate nanotubes filled coating on flexible polyurethane foam with improved Flame retardant and Smoke suppression properties. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2015,7:101-111.
2,Haifeng Pan,Lei Song,Liyan Ma,et al. Layer-by-layer assembled thin films based on fully biobased polysaccharides: chitosan and phosphorylated cellulose for flame-retardant cotton fabric. Cellulose. 2014,21:2995-3006.
3,Haifeng Pan,Wei Wang,et al. Formation of Layer-by-Layer assembled chitosan/titanate nanotubes based nanocoating on cotton fabrics: flame retardant performance and combustion behavior. Cellulose. 2015,22: 911-923.
4,Haifeng Pan,Lei Song,Liyan Ma,et al. Transparent epoxy acrylate resin nanocomposites reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012, 51:16326−16332.
5,Haifeng Pan, Ying Pan,Wei Wang,et al. Synergistic effect of layer-by-layer assembled thin films based on clay and carbon nanotubes to reduce the flammability of flexible polyurethane foam. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2014,53: 14315−14321.
6,Haifeng Pan, Ying Pan, et al. Formation of self-extinguishing flame retardant biobased coating on cotton fabrics via Layer-by-Layer assembly of chitin derivatives. Carbohydrate Polymers.2015,115:516-524.
7,Haifeng Pan, Xiaodong Qian, Liyan Ma, et al. Preparation of a novel biobased flame retardant containing phosphorus and nitrogen and its performance on the flame retardancy and thermal stability of poly (vinyl alcohol).Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2014,106: 47-53.
8,Haifeng Pan ,Yushi Lu,Lei Song, et al. Construction of layer-by-layer coating based on graphene oxide/β-FeOOH nanorods and its synergistic effect on improving flame retardancy of flexible polyurethane foam, Composites Science and Technology. 2016,129:116-122.
9, Haifeng Pan, Yushi Lu, Lei Song,et al. Fabrication of binary hybrid-filled layer-by-layer coatings on flexiblepolyurethane foams and studies on their flame-retardant and thermal properties.RSC Advances.2016,6:78286-78295.